I think there's a tendency for me to only blog interesting things, so I thought for the record's sake I should, every once in a while, write down what we do during a typical week. So, here goes.
I usually wake up early (between 5-6 am) and read or do some things on the computer. I used to go to the Y twice a week but that hasn't happened the last few months as I've just been so much more interested in getting exercise outside, even in 10 degree weather. I have to figure it out, as we're paying the Y nearly $90 a month and only using it to swim on Mondays at the moment.
The kids are now sleeping wonderfully late, usually past 7 and sometimes until 7:30. When they get up, I will often get them going on breakfast and then go out for a run or walk. Bridges wakes up with them and mucks about upstairs for a while (checking email, getting showered, etc....)
On TWF Clara goes to preschool, which starts at 9 am. Until then the kids usually play in their pyjamas. It's a very relaxed morning. While Clara's at school, Lee and I typically hang out here and do reading, math, science, etc...There's the occasional doctor appointment. Wednesdays Clara is now staying for lunch and Lee and I go skating over the lunch hour.
Mondays when Clara does not have school, we stay here for a while, and then we go to the Y. I do a lap swim first, then I swim with the girls for an hour. We get home in time for lunch (once a month or so we have lunch at the 99). Thursdays we were babysitting Alistair in the fall but that's not happening this month, so we've been having Thursdays free which has been nice. Yesterday we went to the MFA. At this point I think Lee would get much more out of museums like the MFA if Clara weren't there, so perhaps Lee and I will start going on our own while Clara's at school.
Clara has just dropped her nap, so suddenly we have early afternoons free. This has been a time for me to catch up on things, work out in the basement, or spend time with Lee (I often read to her or we play games). This week we got together with friends one day, went grocery shopping another, went to the library another. So I'm looking forward to having this time a bit freed up, although of course it's hard to lose that nice quiet nap time.
But, oh, Clara is falling asleep before 7:30 and it is wonderful! We put Clara to bed early, and then I have time to read to Lee, and then she's asleep around 8 and Bridges and I suddenly have an evening back again!
Let's see, as far as late afternoons, this is what's going on. Mondays Lee takes a ceramics class at the Hayden. Clara either plays with the other kids there, or we go sledding which has been fun. Tuesday afternoon Lee now has French tutoring from 5:15-5:45 which means we can get together with a friend or just hang out here before then. Wednesdays we all go to MGC. Clara has her class at 3 pm and Lee at 3:15. We get back around 5 pm. Thursdays we have been getting together with friends on Thursdays or hanging out here. Fridays I drop Clara at Nicole's and bring Kiersten and Lee to MGC.
Monday evenings there is usually something going on (PNS meeting, council meeting for Bridges, my book group). Tuesdays I now have Masterworks Chorale rehearsals (I just joined and we're singing Verdi's Requiem). Wednesdays Bridges tries to go rock climbing but does not always make it. Thursdays we're sometimes home and sometimes doing something social. Then it's the weekend!
Oh, at some point during the week I bake, cook, clean, pay the bills, grocery shop, etc....I don't know when that happens.
So that's our week. Probably not interesting for anyone but me later on. :)