Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lee's Elf Face

For a while this fall Lee was in all seriousness practicing her elf face.  I think she got it down.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oliver! vs. Oliver Twist

To tie in with history, we're reading a biography of Charles Dickens.  Actually it's the second one we're reading because the girls liked the first one so much.  

So we decided to watch Oliver! again.  We'd first watched this during our musicals extravaganza last year.  It was fun to watch again within the context of what I now know about Dickens, although I didn't like the boy cast as Oliver any better than I did the first time around.  

When I was taking the DVD out of the library I happened to also notice Oliver Twist, a relatively recent film directed by Roman Polanski.  I told Clara we were going to watch that too and then compare them.  

"But Mom," she said, struggling with the concept of a movie about Oliver Twist that was not a musical.  "How do you know what's happening if they never sing?"