Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Things They Say...

Lee is interested in death. This seemed to start when our cat died last spring. And it is interesting how often death is mentioned in children's books, movies, and even adult conversation. Someone mentioned to me the other day that it is normal for 3-year-olds to be interested in death.

So Lee mentions death and dying both in her make-believe play and her conversations with others, and what she comes up with is often quite shocking for adults to hear.

The other day while I was cleaning food off the floor for at least the third time that day, I remarked that it would be nice to have a dog who would just eat everything off the floor.

"Let's get a dog, mommy," Lee said. Uh, oh....

So I explained to her that dogs are alot of work, and that getting a dog is almost like having another brother or sister. And that sometimes I wanted a dog but sometimes I didn't, but since Daddy really did not want a dog, we just weren't going to get one.

Lee thought about this for a minute or so, and then she said:

"I know, Mommy, let's get a dog after Daddy dies."

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