Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Up or Down

As I may have mentioned, Clara's still learning to talk. Sometimes, she has an idea in her head and you're not sure what it is (in the example below, whether she wants to walk or hitch a ride somewhere). I will often resort to changing something (i.e. putting her down) and then asking her "Happy?" But even then the conversation can have ambiguous results, usually progressing in one of two ways.

The Agreeable Clara

Me: Clara, do you want Up?
Clara: Up
Me (to clarify): Down?
Clara: Down
Me: Up or Down?
Clara: Up or Down
Me: Happy?
Clara: Happy

The Disagreeable Clara

Me: Clara, do you want Up?
Clara: No
Me: Down?
Clara: No
Me: Up or Down?
Clara: No
Me: Happy?
Clara: No

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

For the Disagreeable Clara, you might want to end the conversation on an upbeat note:
Q: Melancholy, disappointed or in any way frustrated?
A: No.

Then be careful not to ask any more questions -- unless of course you need a "no" answer for something you don't want to do. Example:
Q: I really should put down my book and start washing the dishes, shouldn't I?
A: No.

This technique will probably only work until she's about 4 or 5, so take full advantage while you can.