Friday, January 23, 2009


When I was a little girl, we had an audiotape that my father had made of my sister Deb reciting Madeleine from memory.  It was very funny, because Deb was pretty hard to understand when she first learned to talk.  She also broke up the strict rhyming in the book by changing

In the middle of the night, 
Miss Clavel turned on the light, and said 
'Something is not right!'


In the middle of the night, 
Miss Clavel turned on the light, and said
'Something is wrong!'

which I thought was hilarious.  

So when I found Lee "reading" Madeleine to Clara the other day, I pulled out the camera.  

By way of explanation, Lee is pointing out that the illustrations are less than accurate.  When the text says they broke their bread, they are not eating, and when it says they brushed their teeth, they are not brushing their teeth, and when it says they went to bed, they're in bed, but they're not actually sleeping.

Just to be clear.  

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