Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Siblings Without Rivalry

Bridges' mom gave me the above-named book a few years back. I need to re-read it. The competition around here can be fierce at times, although generally the girls get along really well. Most of the competitive behaviour seems to come from Lee, who obviously feels threatened in her position of complete and total dominance over Clara (just kidding, Clara is able to stand up for herself once in a while).

We're still getting tears in the morning if Lee isn't the first one downstairs. And the jockeying for first place is very literal on the walk to school (during which you must walk on the curb that is only wide enough for one kid at a time).

It shows up here and there in other ways too. Today Clara asked for a piece of cardboard to color, and so I gave her a shoe box that happened to be waiting to be put away in the basement with a pile of other discarded shoeboxes.

"Mommy, why did you give Clara a shoebox?!?" I heard a few seconds later.

Because I love her more than you, of course, my evil side thought to itself.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

The shoebox incident just made my day!! I can picture it all too clearly...