Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunrise Along the Kanc

I dragged everyone, including Grammie and Gramps, out of the house for a 6:15 am sunrise. I had the idea to drive to a viewpoint that looks east. Only as we were driving up it was getting lighter and lighter, and I was convinced we had missed it. We also realized once we were in the car that the gas light was on, which was a bit nerve-wracking as we climbed up for 20 miles or so. I was going to feel awful if everyone had gotten up at 5:30, then missed the sunrise, and then run out of gas!

But, when we got there, this is what we saw. The mist in the valley was really pretty.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

How lovely!! (Same for the spiderweb too, in the next post.) So glad you're blogging again, I feel more in touch now. ;)