Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Sauna / Rope Swing Cycle

Today Blizzard Juno hit us (although we didn't have blizzard conditions here, and our snowfall was much less than the predicted 18-24 inches).  I gave the kids a snow day (why do homeschooled kids think they need snow days when we take so many other days off, I wonder?).  After a long day of sledding and trudging around in deep snow, five girls ended up in our sauna.  They then proceeded to take turns climbing out the basement window into the snow and swinging on the rope swing.  It's not quite as extreme as making snow angels, but pretty chilly nonetheless!  They did at least have sandals on their feet.  




1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Classic! Surely a key reason they want a day off is so they can play with friends who are ordinarily at school during the day... Also, it's just so fun to play hooky - having fun is even more fun when you're "supposed" to be doing something else. ;)