Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Ode to Trader Joe's

These daffodils have made me happy this past weekend.

I picked them up at Trader Joe's. I bought three bunches, and each bunch cost $1.39, so for a total investment of $4.17 we've had these to remind us that it is, in fact, spring, since the weather is not doing its job in that department (24 degrees again this morning!).

So I thought I'd write an Ode to Trader Joe's. Based strictly on knowledge gained from a Google search "How to Write an Ode.", here we go:

It's always easy to park,
The store is never busy,
I choose items on a lark,
And the choices make me dizzy.
Edamame, gyoza, nuts galore,
Balloons for Clara and Lee.
Free coffee and samples to taste,
Oh! how I love this store.
I pack my own groceries with glee,
And no plastic bags go to waste.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Lovely picture, but ... the store is never busy?! Come visit the Trader Joe's in Union Square, NYC - it is always mobbed. (It's OK to visit, as long as you don't plan on buying anything there.)