Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Clara @ 16 Months

Here's what Clara's up to at 16 months:

- she's very into accessories (hats, shoes, beads).
- she loves to go outside. She'll grab her coat and go stand by the door, and she gets very upset if someone goes outside and leaves her behind.
- She's typically sleeping 11-12 hours at night and 2-3 during the day (when she's healthy, that is)
- She's extremely attached to Tiger.
- She loves to play "Chase Clara".
- She will go sit in the wagon and wait to be pushed.
- She's starting to go up stairs with hands and feet (as opposed to knees), and can walk over thresholds and down ramps.
- She loves slides and swings.
- She loves to swim and is fearless. Going completely under the water doesn't seem to faze her at all.
- She has a few words (thank you, please, ma-ma, da-da, "ee" (Lee), down)
- She loves to scribble and is always getting into the art cabinet and pulling out paper and pencils or markers. She proudly gives you her masterpieces afterwards.
- She likes the little scooters.
- She eats a good variety of food.
- She loves to walk- she'll walk a fair distances with incredible single-mindedness.
- She's currently not very happy about being left in the child-care at the Y.
- She throws little tantrums quite often - rolling on the ground and fussing.
- She's starting to enjoy looking at books and will sit through shorter board book readings.

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