Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tu-be or Not Tu-be?

Ear Infection #7 is not responding to antibiotics. Actually, it has responded to the two courses of augmentin, only it's returned after the course is completed. So maybe we're on #8 or possibly #9 now, and Clara's on her fourth antibiotic since the beginning of March. She started azithromycin Monday and seems no better. She has an awful cough which wakes her up while she sleeps, a low-grade fever, and her nose runs constantly. She obviously feels terrible, and she alternates between wanting to be held and wanting to lie on the ground and cry. Both are tiring for me (and I only bring up how I feel because the fact that I am just done with this factors greatly into our upcoming decision).

I took her to an ENT specialist yesterday and she is a good candidate for tubes. Normally with the summer coming up they would recommend that we wait and see how she does in the fall (because most kids outgrow this), but since her infections aren't clearing with treatment they say we could go ahead now. Notice I say "could" and not "should." I'm finding that it is hard to actually get an opinion from the medical community these days - they like to just give you options and have you decide (for fear of a lawsuit). How the heck am I supposed to know what to do?

There's lots of information out there, both for and against. And we'll never know what would have happened if we make the decision the other way. But from what I've filtered through, Clara does not fall into the category of kids where it would be considered unnecessary, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence from parents (including ones who tried to avoid the surgery) who were just thrilled with the outcome.

My dad, who sees Clara every few weeks, saw her during a rare good day last week and could not get over how different she seemed from all the other times he's seen her. He must have said "Ruth, she's a different kid" about ten times during his visit. That's how we all feel - that underneath there is this sweet happy little girl who just doesn't feel good most of the time.

And so we ponder. We see her pediatrician this morning and we'll decide after that.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Thank goodness you have a world class children's hospital within striking distance -- I have a feeling that if you go with the tubes, there will be experienced practitioners who can help maximize the chance for success.

We had a mid-week service/coffeehouse at church last night, and I asked people to keep Clara in their hearts. Afterward, a friend of mine mentioned she had tubes in her ears as a kid and lived to tell (and hear) about it.