Monday, June 23, 2008

Going to Sleep the Clara Way

We've always laughed at how Clara gets herself to sleep. It's kind of noisy. I guess when Lee was a little baby, she used to rub her face back and forth on your chest when she was trying to fall asleep, but for as long as we can remember she just kind of gets quiet and then falls asleep. But Clara is a different story. She rubs her face into Tiger and writhes her whole body, and moans and groans and makes all sorts of noise. Then she'll yell out a bunch of times, then go back to shoving her face into Tiger and groaning, and this goes on (sometimes for quite a while) until suddenly she's quiet.

Once in a while if Lee is going to bed at the same time, she will complain and say "Clara's being too noisy!", but amazingly there are nights when Lee falls asleep during Clara's long wind-down.

I asked Bridges to imagine if adults went to sleep like that. You'd be in your bed, moaning and making all sorts of noise, and flipping yourself over onto your front and then your back, and then yelling out a bit, and then putting your face back down....meanwhile your spouse is next to you thinking "will you just go to sleep already?!?"

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