Monday, July 7, 2008

Eagle Cliffs

This July 4th weekend we had a big crowd at the lake, including three of my siblings with their families, my aunt and uncle, and my cousin and his family. In total, we had fifteen adults and ten kids aged from 18 months to 13 years.

We had a fantastic few days with no squabbling whatsoever among the kids (and no squabbling among the adults either!). There was swimming, tubing, rides in the motorboat, Wimbledon, a bean bag game that resembled horseshoes, cribbage, paddling, hiking, and a fair amount of drinking (adults of beer and wine, kids of soda).

Here are some pictures from our hike up to Eagle Cliffs on Red Hill, which offers great views of Squam Lake.

My Dad came along with us. My Dad will be 77 this summer, and he’s really in great shape aside from his joints breaking down from years of physical activity. My Dad’s always done a lot of hiking, and he took us as kids, and I’m sure he slowed down quite a bit for us when we were younger. I remember the first time I kept up with him easily, and it doesn’t seem all that long ago. Then there were a few years where we hiked together comfortably (although not all that often given my proximity to NH during those years). And I remember the first time that he really slowed me down. His knees just aren’t good anymore, and the tough rocky terrain of New England is hard for him, especially going downhill. Your balance deteriorates as you get older, and he’s just not as steady and sure-footed as he once was. But this year, Bridges was carrying Clara (and allowing her to walk now and again) and my cousin’s wife was carrying her 30+ pound two-year-old (and allowing him to walk now and again), and so my Dad very comfortable hiked at the rear with us, while the older kids (including Lee) raced on up ahead. It worked out really well. It’s kind of funny how things come full circle.

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