Sunday, October 12, 2008

Days of the Week

Lee is very interested in the days of the week. I often don't understand why certain things are learned easily and others take more time. Why is it that she's been able to count to 100 since last winter, but she doesn't yet remember the seven days of the week in order? But she's starting to know which days she goes to school, and which days Daddy stays home. Of course, we're in the middle of three weeks with holidays on her school days (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Columbus Day) so that's made things a bit more confusing.

So here's how our weekly schedule is playing out. On MTTh Lee goes to school in the mornings and I do errands, clean the house, cook and bake, and go to the Y with Clara. Clara and I usually get a bit of time where we play together or read. Then we pick Lee up from school, come home and eat lunch, and Clara takes a nap (usually a good two hours). During this time, Lee usually plays by herself downstairs (I consider this her downtime) while I do email, pay bills, or tackle a bigger project like gardening or painting. Towards the end of this time, Lee and I usually spend some time reading together until Clara wakes up. Right now Lee runs upstairs, lies down with Clara, and reads her "Surprises. " Then after nap we either get together with a friend, or we go to the farm, or we go on a walk, or sometimes we just hang out here. Around dinnertime I often put in a video for them while I get dinner ready.

On Wednesdays, Bridges works from home. I hang out here with the girls for a while, and then we got to the Y and swim together. We come home and have lunch, and then I take Lee to gymnastics while Clara is napping. I don't actually like this timing and wouldn't do it again, because Lee is so tired afterwards that the afternoon is kind of shot, and I think she misses her time to just play quietly by herself. But it's ok for now.

Fridays are our "Funday." We usually try to do an outing, eat lunch there, and then Clara falls asleep on the way home and we just hang out here for the rest of the day. Sometimes we'll get together with a friend later in the afternoon.

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