Monday, February 16, 2009

The Haircut

I gave Clara a haircut the other day.  Her hair is still thin and short on the top and sides, but the back has grown in very nicely, and she ended up with a beautiful (if a bit short) bob.  

The next day I kept looking at her and wondering why her hair looked so funny in the back.  It was as if she had slept on it or something, because it just wasn't lying very smoothly (her hair is so straight and fine it pretty much falls straight down).  It also looked very short in the front, and I kept thinking "But I didn't touch the front!"  

With things being busy I didn't think much of it, until I was cleaning up last night and saw a four-inch chunk of hair lying on the windowsill.  

So I looked more closely at what I realized must be Lee's handiwork:

This kind of hurts.  My kids have both been pretty challenged in the hair deparment, and it will be months to grow this out.  

But, Lee has promised not to cut her sister's hair again.  And Clara has promised to stop Lee next time.  Oh well, at least, Clara doesn't seem to mind.   

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Good heavens! I'm sorry about it, though I'm glad you figured out what happened. In a way, it's kind of sweet that Lee tried to copy you.... I doubt she (or Clara) really understood the overall concept.

I remember cutting my eyelashes once when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Grandma had just told me what beautiful long lashes I had, so I went over and checked them out in a mirror. Indeed, they were long. What if they got so long that I couldn't open my eyes again?! I couldn't remember having gotten them cut before - but that made me think I'd better cut them ASAP before they got too long. (It also gave me a vague sense of furtiveness or culpability, although I couldn't put my finger on why there would be anything wrong with cutting my eyelashes.)