Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome Back, Daddy

Bridges was gone for ten days backcountry skiing in British Columbia.  He had a fantastic trip and is encouraging me to go on it next year.  I don't know about leaving two little kids alone so both of us can travel to avalanche country.  I know we are in more danger each time we get in our car, but it's different somehow.  You have to get in your car.  You don't have to go someplace extremely remote and ski down the face of a mountain.   I can imagine the article in the paper. 

But all in all we had a great week while he was gone.  I try to take these opportunities to do lots of fun stuff for the kids and break up some of the normal routine.  We started by driving Bridges to the airport really early on a Sunday (in our pj's of course) and then stopping for breakfast afterward.  During the week we were very active socially, attending a fundraiser for our nursery school at a local restaurant, a pizza playdate at a friend's house, and dinner at Aunt Linda's house, where both girls had a fantastic time playing with Liam and Mali.   Aunt Deb came down with Jack and Alex the second weekend and stayed overnight.  The girls got to watch their cousins play video games, and Jack babysat them while Deb and I ran to Trader Joe's.  Lee was thrilled about that!  We also attended Dave and Mer's Superbowl Party.  The other nights we watched Planet Earth and ate dinner in front of the TV.   

The evenings were a bit long for me, especially the ones when Clara stayed up past 9, and the nights she was up a lot were tough.  But all in all, the girls were really good, and since I didn't cook all week it was a bit of a break for me as well.  There were also no big crying fits of "I WANT DADDY!" which was unusual, especially for Lee.  The last time he went away just overnight she had a real meltdown before going to sleep.  

But, oh, the reception at the airport.  I wish I'd had my camera there.  We waited at the bottom of the escalator, and when they saw Bridges coming down, they started jumping up and down, yelling "Daddy, Daddy!"  It was, to use a word I don't use very often, precious.  

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

That's so cute! Sounds like some fun times. But mostly I'm glad to hear B is safely home. (Of course, I figured as much when I didn't get a phone call saying otherwise... but still.)