Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Clara's Inventions Speech

Clara handed me a paper titled "Inventions Speech" the other day.  Here it is (with spelling, capitalization, and punctuation corrected):

"When you invent things you are always using some one else's work.  For instance, I made a window / roof using duct tape, wood, wire, and plastic bags.  So if you are ever lonely and alone you always have something with you.  For instance, clothes or something.  So always think about what you have and see what you can make out of it to help you.  So when you feel like you are alone you are NEVER ever alone.  Thank you for letting me say this.  Thank you very much.  You are not alone, so look around you and see what you have."

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

It's good to start early on the acceptance speech!