Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Trauma of the Teeth

Losing teeth continues to be traumatic for Lee.  Clara's lost four, and while they haven't been without a few tears, they've been much easier than Lee's.  Lee has not lost a single tooth without tears and a fair amount of upset.  The other night Bridges pulled one of her incisors.  It was gray and very loose and definitely ready to come out, but it still bled.  She rinsed and rinsed but it was still a bit bloody.  She was shaking and crying and just a mess, and she managed to get out "I feel like I"m being torn apart!"  I lay down with her afterwards for a while to calm her down so she could get to sleep.

Poor thing.  I am so positive that this is not uncommon for sensitive children that I'm not even going to google it.  I just keep repeating to myself, "Ten down; ten to go."

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Oh no! I was always a bit squeamish about losing teeth, sounds like it is so much worse for her. :(