Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a fabulous weekend opening up the house at the lake. The weather was atypically warm and sunny, and everyone seemed to be in a jolly mood. The house didn't seem nearly as dirty as it usually does (or more likely my standards are getting lower each year) and so we spent just a portion of Saturday and Sunday working and the rest of the time enjoying ourselves.

Lee and Liam spent hours playing together which was nice. I think she's getting old enough to be interesting to Liam (that and the fact that he has no one his age to play with!).

Campfires have become a common occurrence on Saturday nights, complete with S'Mores. It's funny because growing up we never had campfires. Dave decided a few years ago to build a fire pit, and it has been great fun.

Another highlight was piling everyone into the boat and going over to Ragged Island, which is now owned by the Lakes Region Conservation Trust. We hiked around the island and then had a picnic lunch.

Clara couldn't stay awake. What better place to nap?

Liam was priding himself on going into the cold water and actually jumped from the boat into The Broads on the way home. Brrr.....

All in all a spectacular start to the summer.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...

Clara's nap is adorable!