Friday, May 1, 2009

Being with the Kids

I'm with the kids all the time.   That's why I don't work; so I can be with them.  So that's why on a day like yesterday, when I spent all day just wishing they weren't around so that I could actually get something done, I feel so guilty.  The things I'm trying to get done just aren't that important.  Yes, someone needs to clean the house and go to the grocery store and pay the bills and do all that stuff, but really does it all need to be done right now?  Shouldn't I have some time every day to just be with them?  

Summer is coming up and I envision hours of just hanging out with the kids, just rolling around on the grass, or running on the beach, or climbing on the rocks.  Not putting them in front of a video so I can cook something or catch up on email.  I know that's not realistic, but perhaps I can strike a balance.  

So this morning I woke up and thought "today is going to be different."  We went to the library, and because we didn't have to be anywhere afterwards, we went up belfry hill (Clara did great with the stairs), picked dandelions and pinecones, and ambled back to the car.  We then went to the grocery store, but folllowed it with a visit to Starbucks, where they had a snack while we all lounged in a huge chair and read books together.  It was great. 

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