Friday, July 3, 2009

Out of My Element #2

The second thing I did that really stretched my comfort zone was singing in the recital for my voice studio. Saying “my voice studio” so casually like that makes it sound as if I've belonged there a long time, but I just started lessons there in January and have had a total of eight lessons.

Yet here I was, singing an opening and closing number with the entire studio,

and then two small ensembles (“Hard Times” and “Money Money”),

and the singing a solo in Italian (“Piango Gemo”).

There were about 75 people in the audience, so this wasn’t just your average recital in someone’s living room. I was n-e-r-v-o-u-s.

But, it was, in the end, really really fun.

1 comment:

LeesMyth said...
