Saturday, August 1, 2009

Our Extended Stay at the Lake

We are in the middle of a month-long stay at the lake. It came about rather suddenly when we decided that we were going to do a renovation at home and I decided I didn't want to be home when that happened. So here we are for at least a month, hanging out with my mom and dad next door. My Aunt Marge was here for the first two weeks, although sadly she went back to Florida. We will miss her! As my sister Deb noted, she never complains and she's always got a smile on her face.

Our stay has been interesting so far. The weather has been less than ideal. We're having one of the coolest rainiest summers in history. So there have been lots of rainy days where we've ended up hanging out next door with my parents doing art projects or going in and out of the sauna or hot tub. But all in all it's been pretty enjoyable, and pretty relaxed.

Spending a lot of time with my parents has made me realize a few things, though. First of all, when people get older, it seems that in some ways they mellow, but in other ways their defining personality characteristics become more pronounced. My parents have, in their own unique ways, become eccentric.

Secondly, it absolutely amazes me to realize how much I have become like either my father or mother in particuar ways. It's downright scary.

Third, what they say about little kids and elderly people is true. They really are a good match for each other, because kids are never in hurry to get anything done, and older people have all the time in the world. And they are perfect hiking partners.

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